ADFRAS Submissions, 2006
Peter Inglis’ submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australian Defence Force Regional Air Superiority, 2006
Selling us the F-22 is the most cost-effective way for Australia to go forward.
F-22A. This is the aircraft Australia should be acquiring from our ally, the USA.
Japan has already done so!
Benefits to the USA of selling us the F-22:
- Have an effective ally down here in the Air Defence regime
- Have commonality in logistics (parts/maintenance etc) for when they deploy here
- Sell us a better jet!
- Restart the F-22 program for their own air defence (it was shelved to make the case for needing the F-35).
PDF: My submission to ADFRAS, August 2008 (unexpurgated) (pdf) >> Click to downloadTimeline of the inquiriesCensoring the voice of the citizenryComparison of F-111 and F-35Gatekeepers revealed. Hoist on their own petard and unrepentant.Links
For more in-depth information on these matters go to Air Power Australia (external site)Australian Federal Govenment page on the two Senate inquiries into Australia's future: - 404 error, web page has gone
❝Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
- Juvenal 1C CE.
Who watches the Watchmen?)