
Sydney's Northern Beaches

These images use the standard scenery as of Australia Day, January 26th 2022. Here are the same scenes with enhanced scenery.

Fly along Sydney Harbour and past the Sydney Opera House. Then turn north and follow the low level route along the beautiful northern beaches. Keep a look out for Great Whites and Budgie Smugglers.
As you reach Barrenjoey Head, you can see Lion Island in the centre of Broken Bay and beyond that the Central Coast region.
Turning south you will fly down the vast watery Pittwater, and at about 7nm reach Narrabeen lagoon.
At Spit Bridge, where Sydney Harbour meets Middle Harbour, veer right across the Lower North Shore area and back to Sydney Harbour Bridge > Homebush Sydney 2000 Olympic Stadium.


WP 1 - Homebush Sydney 2000 Olympic Stadium
WP 1 - Homebush Sydney 2000 Olympic Stadium
Turn E along the Parramatta River
WP 2 - Sydney Harbour Bridge
WP 2 - Sydney Harbour Bridge
Shark Island designated
WP 3 - Shark Island at Rose Bay
WP 3 - Shark Island at Rose Bay
Turn N along the beaches
Manly Beach
WP 4 - Long Reef headland / Golf Club designated
WP 4 - Long Reef headland / Golf Club
Newport Beach
WP 5 - Barrenjoey Headland (Lighthouse WIP)
Narrabeen Lagoon
WP 6 - Spit Bridge
Lower North Shore: Cremorne Point, Neutral Bay and Kirribilli (next to the bridge)
WP 7 - Sydney Harbour Bridge
WP 8 - Homebush Sydney 2000 Olympic Stadium
WP 8 - Homebush Sydney 2000 Olympic Stadium
Bankstown (YSBK)
Bankstown (YSBK)