San Marino | Missions in the MiGMan’s World Tour DLC

Borders within Borders
Description: San Marino is a geographically small country located within the borders of Italy. The nearest airport is Rimini Military, on the east coast of Italy and about 5 nm from the San Marino Border.
This flight incorporates the capital, which is 1 nm long atop a central ridge, and the S and W borders. Consider WP 4 optional. The Italians won't mind a minor transgression into their airspace, it happens all the time over San Marino.
An alternate approach to seeing all of San Marino would be to fly to the capital at WP 2 and then clockwise around the ridge.
NB: A slow aircraft is recommended (cruise speed 80-100 kts). Jet aircraft will find very difficult to stay within the borders.
Between WP 6 and 7 you will see Tiro a Volo San Marino (Shooting Club) on the left.
San Marino   San Marino location_citySan Marino flight_takeoffLIPR Federico Fellini airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 4 tagBorder Patrol tagCoastal flight