Keyboard commands


Cursors - Pitch and roll
< - > - Rudder
1 - 0 - Thrust control
- 1 = 10% thrust
- 2 = 20% thrust etc
- 9 = 90% thrust
- 0 = 100% thrust
- Press 0 again for Afterburners
+ and - - Fine Thrust Control
B - Air Brake
W - Wheel Brake


F1 - Cockpit view
F2 - Look around view (Keys as View Plane)
F3 - Weapon view
F4 - Enemy Aircraft view
F5 - Control tower (keypad + and - to zoom)
F6 - Rear view
F7 - Left view
Shift F7 - Right view
F8 - Map view (keypad + and - to zoom)
F9 - Track view (keypad + and - to zoom)
F10 - View plane view (keypad + and - to zoom)
Numeric keypad
4,6 = pan left/right
2,8 = pan up/down


Return - Select weapon
Space - Fire Weapon
S - Select Air Target (Sidewinder, Aphid)
Backspace - Select ground target (Maverick, Kerry)
C - Chaff
F - Flare


U - Alter window 1 mode (Weapons, Waypoints, Off)
N - Next waypoint


Shift E - Eject
H - Release from refuelling tanker (When docked)
R - Change radar range (3, 6, 12, 25 miles)
P - Pause/Unpause game
Escape - Go back a level during front end Quit back to
level select from free flight
Alt-C - Select Config Screen
Alt-T - Accelerated Time