MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Immersion: What factors enhance immersion in flight sims?

Immersion in Flight Simulation | MiGMan's tips
tagImmersion tagMiGPit2024last edited: 14-03-2024
1. Touch
2. Vision
3. Sound
4. Taste (Not important in flight sims)
5. Smell (Not important in flight sims)
6. Proprioception is the sense of where your body parts are in 3D space.
7. Kineaesthetic Perception is your sense of movement.

Senses 6 and 7 are crucial to our sense of self and of what is reality, especially when combined with touch.
tagImmersion2024last edited: 14-03-2024
Immersion in Sims | Tips from "Race Beyond Matter" YouTube channel
tagImmersion2023last edited: 16-11-2023
Immersion in Sims | Tips from "Sense of Speed" YouTube channel
tagImmersion2023last edited: 16-11-2023
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