MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


So, what can we expect to see at an air display?

With the engine at maximum power, the brakes are released and the aircraft rapidly accelerates to around 120 knots before the pilot pulls back hard on the stick, retracts the landing gear, switches on the "smokewinders" to pull 3g in a loop from which the aircraft emerges at around 1,200 feet.
Now going down the display line, the aircraft completes a Derry Turn to the right, accelerating to 280 knots, the aircraft completes another right hand Derry Turn before closing the throttles to bleed-off speed for a slow fly past. This is the time for the pilot to reassess the wind conditions and accurately position for the rest of the display.

Following two loops, the latter pulling 7g, the aircraft then completes its now famous high-alpha roll around it's velocity axis.
Leaving this manoeuvre sees the aircraft complete a split-S turn followed by a roll and accelerates down the display line at 350 knots where it completes a double aileron roll. After the second roll, the aircraft pulls into a loop under dry power.
There are not too many aircraft that can pull a loop in dry power from level flight, explains Chris Worning. "Most would just exit the envelope."
Coming out of the loop, the pilot then applies reheat and completes a Derry Turn in the centre of the display line before turning to complete aileron rolls away from the public. Turning, the aircraft then completes an inverted fly past before a descending roll to the centre line, lowering the landing gear and touching down at around 130 knots."
From www.eurofighter.com