MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

  • About MiGMan’s World Tour

  • MiGMan's World Tour products are both DISCOVERY FLIGHTS and ACTIVITIES for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Make the entire world your neighbourhood with these flights! Have fun as you develop your knowledge of Airports, Architecture, Culture, Geography, History, Points of Interest, VFR flying skills, Volcanos and more!
  • MiGMan’s MEGA Mixes

  • Extended mixes of my videos taken while flying the MiGMan’s World Tour misssions. Sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy!
  • 10 YEARS of FUN

  • If you take a lead from these Case Studies and incorporate some of the approaches into your own flying, MiGMan’s World Tour already contains enough material for TEN YEARS of FUN. That's the way I fly, often spending a week getting to know each city.

  • Extended mixes of my videos taken during Activities and at Locations featured in MiGMan’s World Tour for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy!
  • MiGMan’s Combat Diary

  • Proflight was the first flight sim I had seen since the Apple ][ in 1982. I had bought an Atari ST to arrange and print music for my string quartet and included in the package was a demo of this amazingly fluid sim, running at 600 x 400 pixels (in monochrome). There began my true flight sim addiction.
  • personMiGMan
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