MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan Categories

MiGMan’s World Tour
Aircraft in the MiGForce
Check out the fleet I use to recon, document and fly MiGMan’s World Tour.
MiGForce Articles
MSFS 2020 Checklists
MiGMan Podcast
Mainly multiplayer, flying fast and loose in locations from MiGMan’s World Tour.
MiGMan’s Campaigns
Campaigns I have built.
Missions of interest. All mishaps are my own!
MiGMan: Press
In the press | conducting interviews | reviews published in print.
MiGMan’s Combat Diary
Pages from my virtual flight journal. It's not all glory!
My home-built cockpit and flight sim setups. The current MiGPit Mk.VII has an 85" main display, 5 10" electronic instument panels, head tracking, voice control, HOTAS, rudders, switch panels all housed in a Trak Racer TR160 cockpit.
Contact MiGMan