Compare the real cockpit displays with those in Digital Image Design's EF 2000.
EF 2000
EF 2000
❝The number of conventional panel mounted controls and indicators has been reduced to a minimum.
The main interaction between the pilot and the aircraft systems is via :
- Manual Data Entry (MDE) facility
- Head-Up Display (HUD)
- Multi-Function Head Down Displays (MHDDs)
- Voice Throttle And Stick controls (VTAS)
- Direct Voice Input (DVI)
The pilot has seven display surfaces available to him :
- 1: HUD
- 2, 3, 4: three MHDDs
- 5: Helmet Mounted Symbology System (HMSS)
- 6: Dedicated Warning Panel (DWP)
- 7: Multiple Information Distribution System (MIDS) display
Cockpit lighting is compatible with night vision enhancement, and daytime brightness of the displays is automatically adjusted."