MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

About the Flight Sim Museum

Mission Statement: Make the complex easy.

I have found the keys to skill acquisition and developed pathways to making the complex easy.
- Peter Inglis
Here is some of the work I've done along those lines, in 3 separate cultural domains.
Simplicity versus Complexity
ARTWestern Art as practiced by the French Impressionists is one of mankind's highest cultural achievements.
MUSICMusical performance is also a complex cultural activity, and it is well established that it can be learned by any average person who acquires skills incrementally.
SIMULATIONFlight simulation is a complex cultural activity. Flagship flight simulation software and hardware is innately complex.
ARTI have developed a methodology which enables total beginners to engage credibly in this arena with only 4 hours of training. Thousands more people now paint creatively and in the style of the French masters, using my methods.
My painting syllabus
MUSICComplex activities are built on hierarchical structures. They take time to master, hence the need for entry level activities. My music students have gone on to write operas, compose music for the Olympic Games, and have successful international careers.Testimonials
SIMULATIONThere is a plethora of information online regarding the "deep end" of using flight sims, but my focus is on developing access routes for: beginners and the time poor.
Content Creation

Created a syllabus consisting of more than 100 paintings by the masters of Western Art.

Wrote and published 14 books of Art Instruction


Written and published 14 books on Music Performance


MiGMan’s World Tour for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Created and curate the Flight Simulation Museum