MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Microsoft Strategic Commander

Year: 2000 A.D.
Never before have I bought and installed a device which was so easy to use! The Strategic Commander lets you program on-the-fly, without exiting your application (game).
Simply hit the RECORD button:

And then type the command or commands in. It's as easy as it gets! The great news is that you can jump straight into the sim and merely add commands as you need them. Long gone are the days when I wanted to spend days or weeks tweaking a command set. (2018: Famous last words!)
And yes, the buttons flash! The record button flashes when recording, naturally and the maibn buttons glow when you press 1 of the 3 shift buttons - but they only glow if you have programmed a function to them. Brilliant!

Buttons that glow in the dark!
I use this every single hour I'm at the computer. I have position 1 set to website editing, position 2 for graphics functions and position 3 for whatever sim I'm flying at the time.