The Moving Museum
After spending some time in a holding pattern, the Museum is back with a vengeance. New features include video of the classic sims in action.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a moving picture with sound must be worth... a lot more. Seriously, I find it tremendously exciting to watch the sims in action. I've kept the file sizes reasonable so the longest dial-up download should be about 30 minutes - most will download in 2 to 10 minutes.
If you have a cable connection - well it's like having a private cable sim - TV channel. Really adds to the Museum experience.
Who is the Museum for ?
From this:
Flight Simulator 1
to this:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002
The Flight Sim Museum looks at a sample of the many thousands of free aircraft and scenery available on the web, plus links to the most popular sites.
In 20 years! What's next ?
History of the Genre
- It provides a permanent and growing overview of the entire genre... all in one conveniently organised location. In the Flight Sim Museum you can relive the "glory days" at the click of a mouse.
- With an internet connection the sim fan now has at his/her fingertips thousands of free aircraft and scenery enhancements for Microsoft flight sims, and amazing enhancements to military flight sims which expand the scope and shelf life of the original products by a decade in some cases.
- Don't have the latest hardware ?
- Plenty of history but also a living museum - the Flight Sim Museum features "case studies" on "moderately old" sims ( between 2 and 10 years old ) which still have lots of value today. These include step by step instructions on how to fly the sim such as these:
- Using the Virtual Cockpit
- Air to Air gun shot
- Carrier takeoff
- Basic Buttons
- Can I learn to fly in a flight sim?
- Beginners - (see main index: FAQ: Sticky)
- Using the Virtual Cockpit
- Basic Button setup for Air Combat sims
- Many of the "older" sims still fly on someone's hard drive.
- They may have a particular atmosphere and ambience, or a particular aircraft or theatre - and they are cheap!.
- It is worth digging up even installing one of the older sims to learn skills that apply to newer sims, or to take advantage of the fact that a PC that barely sucks 10 fps out of the latest sims can give you the smooth frame rate ( 25 fps plus ) you need to learn how to clinch that Air to Air gun shot or Carrier takeoff, when running 2 - 6 year old sim.
- Check out recommended sims, including the older ones and Flight Sims by genre.
- Your virtual library
- These days advanced technology users like those found in the Flight Sim community use all types of information sources, from paper Magazines to websites such as the Flight Sim Museum.
- The site started in October 1998.
- The Museum originally fit on FOUR pages !
- Today it houses the world's largest Museum of the PC Flight Simulation Industry.
What is in the Museum?
There are four main galleries :
- Software Gallery
- People
- Library
- Industry Guide
Free content
There is a lot of free content - over 1,000 pages.
Note - this was in 2004, in 2010 the free content weighs in at over 10,000 pages and in 2024 at over 30,000 pages and 3,000 videos.
Start here - Free Area
Mission Statement
Why did the website cost money to read over a certain period of time?
The web used to be free, what changed?
Can I use your pictures?
MiGMan in the Press
Samples of the Members content
Really USEFUL stuff in the Museum
In the Cockpit
More In the Cockpit
Beginners - (see main index: FAQ: Sticky)