MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


MiGPit Mk.I

From 1992 I was flying in my own home-built own cockpit.
Initially I intended to make the whole pit in plywood, which is a material I had experience with, but my good friend Andre Storer convinced me that the panels would have much more structural integrity in aluminium, for which he had both tools and skillsets.
The pit survived several moves, and these photos are from after decommisioning.
The 'brains' of the unit was a hand-wired switch panel which I built over a 3 month period in a friend's electronic repair workshop. It was programmable if you had a day or so to spare.
Nothing comparable to the mini-pc (Arduino, Leo Bodnar) boards existed back then. Also, the sims were running in DOS, so no HID.
It shared scale with an F-16... if not detail!
Top left is the comms panel, right is HUD controls, lower left weapons and stores, Radar and sim controls are on the lower right.
Photos by Lukas Matysek