MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Sim Sanctuary

February 2000, PCGaming World
This article was a look at the history of and current flight sims by Kenji Takeda.
Under sim sanctuary box it goes on about the site contents then at the bottom we had this:
As well as the exhibits, there are a host of combat flying tips,links and resources, and don't forgot to sign the visitors book.
The team at MiGMan's Combat diary have done a fantastic job cataloging the history of desktop flight simulations.
We owe them a great many thanks for all their combined efforts, helping us to remember the heritage of this ever-expanding hobby.
Kenji Takeda, PC Gaming World Feb 2000.
This article was a look at the history of and current flight sims by Kenji Takeda.