Hello, my name is Chipwich and I'm a Gun-a-holic...
❝I have loaded Mig Alley, and have found Single Player/Hot Shot. My aching hands fall from the sweaty grip of my F22 (Thrustmaster Joystick) at 2:00 AM each night, and I sneak into the bed next to my sound asleep wife. She has accused me of porn surfing, and worse.
Gun kills are my crack, MiG Alley the pusher. Oh, I tried F-18 with it's big smoking missiles coming off the rail. But the kills are somehow hollow after MA.
Pull lead, lead, nose below the horizon just a bit, lead, lead, now a touch of lag. Just then he pulls hard, so you do more 'till you feel your Sabre mush and moan.
Hammer him lead, calls your wingman. Where's he going now? To the deck! Follow him down, this is what the people in Columbus made this bird for. Line him up again, and the shining red goes into a sharp vertical. Wait a second, then pull hard. Keep your nose high, but not quite as high as him. You're running out of air speed, but he is too, only faster. An F-80 followed by 2 MiGs flash across your canopy right to left. He's diving again. I have him...