MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Julian "Gremlin" Sallows

Julian "Gremlin" Sallows

Pax, articles about and by people
Julian's job as Operations Manager for the Port of Amsterdam sees him in a cockpit of sorts most days of the week - talk about a room with a view!

My first time!

First sim: Flightsim by Psion for the Sinclair Spectrum... I really don't understand why I spent hours looking at about 6 dials and nothing else.

My Favourites

All time favourites: Falcon 4.0, Su-27 Flanker 2.0
Both could be eclipsed by IL-2 Sturmovik when it is finally released though, seeing the amount of time I have spent running the demo.


2001 - I use a Suncom SFS/Talon HOTAS in combination with CH Pro-pedals, a Microsoft Sidewinder Strategic Commander, a Quickshot Masterpilot, a Saitek Saitek P8000/Dash 2 and Game Commander II.
2004 - Thrustmaster H.O.T.A.S. Cougar, Belkin Nostromo keypad for flaps, gear etc. leaving the Thrustmaster H.O.T.A.S. Cougar free for fighting.