MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

HOTAS Warthog Axes

I found the suggested mappings to be quite confusing. There are 10 axes available in Direct X.
Here are mine, and the logic behind them. I approach them in this order:
Warthog nameDirect XComments
JoyX, JoyYDX_X_AXIS, DX_Y_AXISJoystick pitch and roll. Makes sense. X and Y are the most basic axes needed to fly.
(Rudder)RIGHT, LEFT, RUDDERDX_XROT_AXIS, DX_YROT_AXIS, DX_ZROT_AXISRight and left toe brakes, rudder.
Makes sense to assign all the "ROT" axes to the rudder, whichever rudder pedals you have. Just makes it easier to remember.
Throttle right, leftDX_THROTTLE_AXIS, DX_Z_AXISMakes sense to assign the DX_THROTTLE_AXIS to the right throttle in a split throttle setup, as you may want operate the throttle with just the right throttle. Throttle left is assigned DX_Z_AXIS because that's the only DX axis left out of the 10 available!
Of course in a single throttle quadrant like the HOTAS COUGAR you'd want to assign it to DX_THROTTLE in any case.
SCX, SCYMOUSE_X_AXIS, MOUSE_Y_AXISThe mouse controller on the throttle.
I disable this because I keep bumping it during flight.

From the TARGET manual.