WINWING Orion Details | 2
The choice of switch and button layout by WINWING makes it very east to build up a mental map of where the switches are. Within a couple of hours I was operating the base by touch alone.
WINWINGMy HW assignments for MSFS 2020ORION details 1
The front of the base features a beautifully molded switched rotary with a push function. I assigned it to APU functions.
The joystick base uses the current de facto standard connector.
The thumb switches on the standard ORION right grip. I use these for Autopilot functions. From top to bottom: SPEED set and lock, ALTITUDE set and lock, Speed Brake toggle or lock and Autopilot ON/OFF.
The grip mounts are reassuringly solid metal.
The vertical mounts for the grips are dense plastic with many structural ribs. Should last forever!
The throttle as I had it in my desktop rig for about 6 months, prior to installation in the Mk.VII MiGPit which is based on a TrakRacer aluminium profile cockpit.