MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Scott "Zuma" Wolf

Correspondence to me, 2005

Here's a picture of my "F4U" Jeep alongside some other hunk of junk...
Here's a shot that shows the kill marks a little better.
The sticker on the back window is from a ThrustMaster F-16 cockpit.
F4U vs. P-51

Correspondence to me, 2007

A couple of cool aviation sites you should note: http://speedandangels.com and http://thevirtualblueangels.com - old link, you'll be redirected, but the picture is nice.
The Virtual Blues fly in Lock On Flaming Cliffs1.1, which blows my mind because I'm still repairing the damage that the nefarious StarForce copy protection on the Flaming Cliffs CD did to my system. They either don't have virtual CD or DVD playing software installed or they're willing to put up with the insidious system damage to fly in the otherwise beautiful sim. I'll stick with Lock On Modern Air Combat 1.01.
Re StarForce copy protection:
PowerDVD 5 and 6 WILL NOT work any more. I had to get PowerDVD version 7 to get DVD capability again. StarForce on the King Kong game disc necessitated a new optical drive and reformatting my whole system.