MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Return to Eden


Visit the most southern town in NSW and stray a few miles over the Victoran border to Mallacoota. You should have no problems as Victoria is mostly a friendly state.

Nav data


WP 1 - Allied Natural Wood Exports, Edrom
WP 2 - Green Cape | Lighthouse may be down for maintenance
WP 3 - Mouth to the Merrica River
WP 4 - Cape Howe, the easternmost point of Victoria, is on the border with N.S.W. about 2.5 nm past Nadgee Lake
WP 5 - Gabo Island Lighthouse and Gabo Island Airport YGBO
WP 6 - Mallacoota Airport YMCO (Victoria)
WP 7 - Bridge on the Princes Highway over the Wallagaraugh River, 2 nm N of the N.S.W. and Victoria border
WP 8 - Follow the Princes Highway N to Eden
WP 9 - Land at Merimbula YMER