MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Liechtenstein | Missions in the MiGMan’s World Tour DLC

Liechtenstein Border Patrol
Description: Liechtenstein is a small European country about 12 miles by 6 miles in size, and nestled between Switzerland and Austria. We fly out of Altenrhein airport, about 12 miles to the north on Lake Constance, Switzerland. The southern leg follows the border along the Rhine river, and the return leg turns on four peaks in the Alps.
There don’t seem to be any structures along this border (why would there be, as it is so inaccessible), but at the end of the flight you will be able to proudly assert that you are one of the brave few that have flown the Liechtenstein Border!
Liechtenstein   Liechtenstein location_cityVaduz flight_takeoffLSZR Altenrhein airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 3 tagBorder Patrol tagBridges tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops
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