MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Romania | Missions in the MiGMan’s World Tour DLC

Bucharest Water features
Description: Take a scenic flight over some of the many waterways around and within Bucharest. You will see lakes, islands, dams, spillways, canals, water treatment plants and bridges!
Romania   Romania location_cityBucharest flight_takeoffLRBS Baneasa airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 3 tagDam spotting
Bucharest Valley Run
Description: Take a longer flight along two of the many picturesque valleys north of Bucharest.
Romania   Romania location_cityBucharest flight_takeoffLRBS Baneasa airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 3 tagBridges tagDam spotting tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops
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