MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Trinidad and Tobago

San Fernando and the South-West Coast


Explore the many coastal towns and beaches in Trinidad's south west. The Point-A-Pierre POL (Petroleum, Oil, Liquid storage facility) is at the north end of the large coastal city of San Fernando. Follow the coastline all the way to Icacos Point which is the southernmost point on Trinidad.

Round trips

24 nm: WP 1 Camden Airfield TTCO 3742 feet
38 nm: WP 1 and 2 to San Fernando
112 nm: Entire route
150 nm: South East Region. Trinidad's south eastern area is sparsely populated and covered by forest. If you want to experience that region then fly to WP 5 at San Francique, turn east and follow the coast. After about 40 nm the coast turns north at Galeota Port and continues for another 43 nm to Galera Point.

Nav data


Trinidad and Tobago
WP 1 - Camden Airfield TTCO 3742 ft
Trinidad and Tobago
WP 2 - Point-A-Pierre POL facility & San Fernando
Trinidad and Tobago
WP 3 - Columbus Beach
Trinidad and Tobago
WP 4 - Icacos Point (southern-most point on Trinidad)
Trinidad and Tobago
WP 5 - Mouth of the Erin River at San Francique
Trinidad and Tobago
WP 6 - Moora Dam
Trinidad and Tobago
WP 7 - Arena Reservoir
Trinidad and Tobago
San Fernando
Trinidad and Tobago
San Fernando
Trinidad and Tobago
San Fernando
Trinidad and Tobago
San Fernando