MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Yemen | Missions in the MiGMan’s World Tour DLC

Gulf of Aden
AboutFly out of Yemen's Aden, on the Gulf of Aden and follow the rugged coastline to the SW.
NOTAM: 10 nm: WP 5, over Aden city | 33 nm: Entire route
Yemen   Yemen location_cityAden flight_takeoffOYAA Aden airline_seat_recline_extraMiddle East 2 tagCoastal flight
Sanaa Cross Country
AboutFly out of Yemen's capital Sanaa, and explore the rugged surrounding valleys.
NOTAM: 22nm: Sanaa | 78nm: Entire route
Yemen   Yemen location_citySanaa flight_takeoffOYSN Sanaa airline_seat_recline_extraMiddle East 2 tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops
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