MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum
EMB-312 T-27 ’Tucano’ (RP Simulations) Checklists
V speeds |
Rotate | 80 Kt |
Climb | 130 kt |
Cruise speed | Between 180 - 200 kt depending on altitude |
Features |
Animated canopy and lock |
No autopilot (as per the real aircraft) |
No airbrake (as per the real aircraft) |
Interior lights are dimmable |
Heat blur and landing effects are modeled |
Smoke effects | WING LIGHT |
Circuit breakers | non-functional |
Rain animation on wind screens |
Outside animation for Canopy Lock System |
Pilots Animated and custom modeled |
2 Seats are operational, you can fly using from any seat, Front or Back seat |
Checklist inside the Sim. |
Fuel available gauge does not appear to function. | Flip the switch that is located on left of the gauge. Flip down and then up again. |