MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

EMB-312 T-27 ’Tucano’ (RP Simulations) Checklists

V speeds
Rotate80 Kt
Climb130 kt
Cruise speedBetween 180 - 200 kt depending on altitude
Animated canopy and lock
No autopilot (as per the real aircraft)
No airbrake (as per the real aircraft)
Interior lights are dimmable
Heat blur and landing effects are modeled
Smoke effectsWING LIGHT
Circuit breakersnon-functional
Rain animation on wind screens
Outside animation for Canopy Lock System
Pilots Animated and custom modeled
2 Seats are operational, you can fly using from any seat, Front or Back seat
Checklist inside the Sim.
Fuel available gauge does not appear to function.Flip the switch that is located on left of the gauge. Flip down and then up again.