MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Falcon 4.0 Checklists

Engine Start
To start the jet engine 
Set throttle position to idle 
Start the Jet Fuel Starter [SHIFT-J]. Engine will spool up to a maximum of 25% rpm
When the RPMs are greater than 20% advance the throttle above idle
Press the idle detent switch [ALT-i]
Engine should now start and spool up to over 70%. The JFS will automatically disengage when the engine RPM gets above 50%.
Throttle to Idle 
Check this before entering the cockpit or you will probably taxi into another aircraft!
Nav Mode selected (mouse) 
Listen for take-off clearance 
Throttle to afterburner 
Steer with rudders 
At 150 kts rotate 10 degrees 
Warning : do not exceed 14 deg or you will scrape the tailcone
As soon as Alt increases: 
Raise GearG
Climb to altitude. 
Refer to pages 1-13 in the manual for more details
Contact TowerT
Altitude2,000 ft
Speed200 kts
Nav Mode 
On Final 
Speed160 - 170 kts
Gear downG
Flight Path Marker on the runway
Throttle to idle 
Airbrake extendB
Wheel Brakes on and holdK
Landing was "troublesome" for many players. Apparently the real F-16 responds to a heavy landing (within limits) with a bounce but the first release of the sim collapsed the undercarriage in this situation.
Read Chapter 3 of your manual. I found it very difficult to avoid either scraping the tail or collapsing the gear, so I adopted a "shallow and fast' approach... ( sounds like a good philosophy for living! ).
I simply kept the airspeed at about 170 kts and flew the plane all the way to the deck. That's one way to do it!
Gear down and lockedFalcon 4.0
on finalsFalcon 4.0
Parking the F-16Falcon 4.0