MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Fighters Anthology

Easter eGGS

Easter Eggs are special surprises you sometimes find in flight sims and computer games in general.
Bob Silvey found this "Easter Egg" on CD1 of the Fighters Anthology set: the full version of LHX Attack Chopper with a printable command sheet!
Open MY COMPUTER from your windows desktop
Right click on your CD ROM Drive which should read FA_001_F
You will see 3 directories:
Left click to open the LHX directory
Open README.TXT in Notepad and print it out for the answers needed to start the game
Open KEYBOARD.RTF in Wordpad or Word for the keyboard commands
Double click on LHX.EXE to run LHX
Excellent easter egg hunting by Bob!
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