MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Flight Simulator 1

Flight Simulator 1 editions

TRS 80 version

"The game was released for the TRS-80 Model I Level II and ran with 16k from a tape drive. Black and white monitor. Huge chunky "graphics", basically a grid with VERY basic outlines of a runway and control tower, and 2-D "flat" mountains bordering a square grid of small size as "terrain." You could fly the "Sopwith Camel" and shoot using the spacebar and drop "bombs" on targets on the ground. The enemy planes were represented with asterisks and signs like:
< * >
I think. VERY basic stuff, but all that existed then, and very cool for us then in 5th or 6th grade. The game was later also released for the Apple and early IBM PC I believe."
"This is the view that you got out of the screen. The display was actually like that! The mountains were totally two dimensional, and so you could fly *just* beside them, as if they were a vertical wall. (either side, of course!).

This is the front cover of the book. Not terribly exciting. Times have changed, huh? : ) . In the front cover of the book, it has Bruce Artwick's name, followed by the date March 1980 - possibly before a lot of your readers were born!"
Bill Sherwood

Apple ][ version

Here is a screenshot from FS1 for the Apple II. For those who want to try it out, there are Apple II emulators for Windows, and disk images available at Apple II emulators. The simulation section of apple-asimov.net has many old flight sims which can be run on these emulators.
Dave Meddows
"This is the entire world that was simulated. Pretty basic, huh? : ) You could fly as far away as you liked, and nothing else appeared." - Bill Sherwood
Not quite so, as I remember it. As you flew off into the barren wilderness (shades of Desert Storm) you actually came to another "world", identical to the first one, and so on ad infinitum (well, my stamina wasn't *that* great, but I did keep going for a long time) and every 15 minutes or so another "world" would slowly appear. You had to fly parallel to the "edges" of the "world" to come across them.
If you were in "war" mode the fighters would come up and attack you if you got near them. Pesky little devils they were, too; never did find out how to survive an attack by them.
Tom Piercy

IBM PC version

MiGMan thanks Jos Grupping for the scan.

MiGMan thanks Jos Grupping for the scan.

IBM version | MiGMan thanks Don Schaaf for the scan.