MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

FS Assist 2002

Publisher’s Description

This module will give you several options to have your aircraft pushed back from the gate. Unlike the very basic pushback option in FS2002 this one includes a visual pushback truck and Matt the pushback man who will assist you. He will speak with you over the intercom and tell you what you need to do, just as it is done in real aviation. Includes engine startup functionality.
Framerate Wizard
Of course the framerates in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 are better than in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000. But there still is no option to optimize and control the framerates in an easy and simple fashion. The built in Target Framerate option in Fs2002 a VERY powerful feature when used with the Framerate Wizard.
Using a set of hotkeys and feedback (audio and visual) it allows you to tune the framerates. It lets YOU decide what is most important for your situation, detailed objects, high density AutoGen scenery (small buildings and trees), detailed ground mesh, or a lot of ATC and other aircraft flying around. As you raise one level you lower others until the feedback systems tells you that the framerate is below the level that you find acceptable.
Simple and powerful, this module makes sure that your machine is working flat out all the time, without buckling under the strain of having to show too much. It is the core of FSAssist 2002.
A function that proved very popular in the previous version. It serves as the undo function in other Windows applications. It also functions as the AutoRecovery function in MS Office applications. If you crash or if your system crashes Flight Simulator, this function allows you to pick up where you were and keep on flying, even months after you started the flight! Extremely useful in those very complex approaches where you want to try it a few times. AutoSave lets you choose how often your situation needs to be saved and if they will be available after a restart of FS2002. Any Computer Pilot will love this enhanced functionality.
Key Assigner
This basic module allows you to change the keys for all LAGO add-ons (for example FS Scenery Enhancer) in an easy to use standard module.
FS Assist 2002