MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Harrier Jump Jet (pub 2002)

FA.2 Sea Harrier

I took these screens at RNAS Yeovilton which is part of the scenery included in this package.

These images were taken during 2002, flying in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002, rendered by a Hercules 3D Prophet III Titanium 500 video card with full screen anti-aliasing enabled.

Host simKeyPanels
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator (1998)Shift 2Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2Shift 2Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000Shift 2
Shift 3
Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002Shift 2
Shift 3
Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments