MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Harrier Jump Jet (pub 2002)

P.1127 Prototype Harrier

I took these screens at RAF Cottesmore which is part of the scenery included in this package.

These images were taken during 2002, flying in Microsoft Combat Flight Sim 2, rendered by a Hercules 3D Prophet III Titanium 500 video card with full screen anti-aliasing enabled.


Host simKeyPanels
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator (1998)Shift 2Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2Shift 2Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000Shift 2
Shift 3
Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002Shift 2
Shift 3
Autopilot, Comms and Navigation Instruments
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