There are a variety of campaign areas, each with it's distinctive terrain.
- Kurile Islands
- Uganda
- Somalia and Ethopia
- Burma (Myanmar)
- Tajikistan
B-o-o-o-m, your MiG meets a fiery end.
Kurile 1
Mission Type Scramble.
Ordnance No fuel tank necessary.
Once you are at 800 kph pull up into a 45 degree climb to set up your first missile shots. ( Higher altitude = higher potential energy for the missile ).
As you climb the A-5 controller will instruct you.
Be ready to take a shot when permission is given.
Kurile 2
Mission Type Short range escort mission.
Ordnance Remove the centre fuel tank. Take 4 x R77's. The air opposition is pretty intense in this mission.
Tactics Rendezvous with the B-1B's at waypoint 2. This is important because It's in your flight plan.
This will put you in position to engage the first group of enemy a/c
By engaging the enemy from this starting position (WP2) you'll end up over the target with the B-1B's.
This is good because the enemy will try and close with them and you need to be right there to give close-in protection.
Use the Attack display - F11 - and adjust the scale to keep your Situational awareness up during the scuffle. Incoming missiles are shown as solid red lines on the display.
Incoming missiles are shown as solid red lines on the display.
Mission Type BARCAP (Barrier Combat Air Patrol mission.)
Ordnance Take 4 x R77's. The air opposition is pretty intense in this mission.
Tactics You'll need to be up to speed on Instrument Flying and Night Landings for this mission.