MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiG-29 Fulcrum (Novalogic)


There are a variety of campaign areas, each with it's distinctive terrain.
MiG-29 Fulcrum (Novalogic)
B-o-o-o-m, your MiG meets a fiery end.

Kurile 1

Mission Type Scramble.
Ordnance No fuel tank necessary.
Once you are at 800 kph pull up into a 45 degree climb to set up your first missile shots. ( Higher altitude = higher potential energy for the missile ).
As you climb the A-5 controller will instruct you.
Be ready to take a shot when permission is given.
MiG-29 Fulcrum (Novalogic)

Kurile 2

Mission Type Short range escort mission.
Ordnance Remove the centre fuel tank. Take 4 x R77's. The air opposition is pretty intense in this mission.
Tactics Rendezvous with the B-1B's at waypoint 2. This is important because It's in your flight plan.
This will put you in position to engage the first group of enemy a/c
By engaging the enemy from this starting position (WP2) you'll end up over the target with the B-1B's.
This is good because the enemy will try and close with them and you need to be right there to give close-in protection.
Use the Attack display - F11 - and adjust the scale to keep your Situational awareness up during the scuffle. Incoming missiles are shown as solid red lines on the display.
MiG-29 Fulcrum (Novalogic)
MiG-29 Fulcrum (Novalogic)
Incoming missiles are shown as solid red lines on the display.
Mission Type BARCAP (Barrier Combat Air Patrol mission.)
Ordnance Take 4 x R77's. The air opposition is pretty intense in this mission.
Tactics You'll need to be up to speed on Instrument Flying and Night Landings for this mission.
MiG-29 Fulcrum (Novalogic)