F-80 Shooting Star
The F-80 Shooting Star was flying in Italy in January 1945 but didn't see combat.
From the reference material included with the sim.
On the 8th of November 1950 a Shooting Star shot down a MiG-15 in what is thought to be the first jet to jet air combat encounter. The first 4 months of the Korean war saw the F-80 bearing the brunt of the combat with over 15,000 sorties being flown.
The trainer version is known as the T-33.
The terrain in Mig Alley is varied and natural looking. It whizzes by at low level
Notice the wingman still has his drop tanks attached.
Landing, drop tanks attached... this was on the first "Quick Mission", circuit training. I should have dropped them before landing
Staying in formation is a challenge in itself! ABOVE: Landing with drop tanks attached... this was on the first Quick Mission, circuit training. I should have dropped them before landing.
Ready for a formation takeoff. RIGHT: Notice the canopy reflections... the two faint vertical lines. The canopy reflections are excellent and help you keep oriented in padlock view. Notice the canopy reflections. Notice the canopy reflections... the two faint vertical lines. The canopy reflections are excellent and help you keep oriented in padlock view.