MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight

Bombardier Learjet 45

The Model 45 is Learjet's first all-new aircraft since Bill Lear's first Model 23. Although it looks like a Learjet, it has only half the parts of a Model 35, reflecting a significant design progression. The parameters set down for the 45 called for it to have the performance of the Learjet 35, the handling of the Learjet 31A, and greater cabin space than the competition. This is Learjet's first paperless airplane, designed entirely on a computer screen. In some cases, the computer design files are loaded directly into production milling machines, which allows for an exceptional degree of precision in manufacturing (especially important when major parts that have to fit together are made on different continents!). This reduces not only time in construction but also the rate of rejection of parts (inherent in any manufacturing process).
At 45,000 feet and a weight of 17,000 pounds, the high-speed cruise number is 445 KIAS with a fuel flow of about 1,062 pounds per hour (pph). Back the power down to a long-range cruise setting, and the speed decreases to 408 kts, while fuel burn slows to 987 pph. The 45 has a maximum IFR range of about 1,800 nm. With a maximum operating altitude of 51,000 feet, the 45 easily reaches and cruises at 45,000 feet, unlike some lighter jets that are certified to 45,000 feet, but are rarely used at that altitude.
Descriptions from - www.microsoft.com/games/flightsimulator/aircraft.asp |  >> 2009 update - web page is gone <<