MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Photogrammetry

The Curse of Photogrammetry

Photogrammetry is a process of laser scanning 3D objects and using that data to model those objects.
Great idea in theory but in the context of Microsoft Flight Simulator... terrible!
I am in the process of labelling all the missions in MiGMan’s World Tour which fly over photogrammetry. This will help you decide whether to turn it on or off before flight.
A post-apocalyptic blight on an otherwise amazing world.

Why it breaks the immersion


Olympic stadium and grounds, Munich.
Guess which stadium is rendered by photogrammetry and which is a 3D model?
A standard autogen stadium looks 1000% better than the autogen and loads about 1000 times faster.
Telstra Tower in Canberra, Australia. Photogrammetry ON.
Telstra Tower in Canberra, Australia. Photogrammetry OFF. The POI is still present.
Federal Parliament in Canberra, Australia with photogrammetry on.
Photogrammetry off. In this case it turns out that the building was PG, not POI.

Turn it off?

Asobo, please DITCH Photogrammetry as a solution to wonderful cities and focus those resources on improved autogen and handcrafted POI.
Or at least delay the implementation of PG into the sim until the hardware and infrastructure is able to cope with this massive data impost.
The year 2063 would be good (Microsoft Flight Sim's 80th anniversary).
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