MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

NATO Fighters

Texture Mapping

Texture Mapping is taken for granted in the 21st century, but in the 1990's it was a revolutionary step and activating it placed huge demands on the graphics hardware and specifically the CPU's of the day.
What it did allow developers to do was create the illusion of much more complexity in objects by simply mapping a 2 dimensional image to the surface. With clever use of  shadows  a 3 dimensional effect could be produced.

As you can see the effect worked best at certain viewing distances! (Not close)

Graphics Preferences

The game resolution had to be set before launching a mission, but that was a step up from most other sims which required you set the resolution before launching the game!
Resolutions available in the DOS version ranged from:
Once you were flying in a mission you could press the "Esc" key at any time and change the graphics preferences from the menu shown above.
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