MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Royal Air Force 2000

English Electric Lightning T.4

15 minutes of fun in an English Electric Lightning T.4.

These screenshots were taken in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 at Hong Kong
Full 2D cockpit Y
Shift 1
The compass is big and the Lightning boasts a feature I've never seen before - a tape indicator for the airspeed. It's at the top right, above the ADI and compass.
"Landing view" No 
Virtual cockpitYUsable. Built for Microsoft Flight Simulator 98.
Live gauges?NO 
HUD view NO 
Separate panelsAutopilot panelShift 2
Engine controlsyShift 3
Primary instrumentsyShift 4.
These screenshots were taken in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 at Hong Kong