

From the manual
Created by Digital Image Design Ltd
Published by Ocean of America, Inc.
Concept & Design-Martin Kenwright
Flight Model-Roderick Victor Kennedy,Jamie Cansdale
Head of Programming-Colin Bell
3D Engine & Memory Management-Russell Payne
UN Commander & Combat Editor-Nevil Plura
Game Flow Editor, Instruments, Missions-David Dixon
World Generator, Flight Model-Jamie Cansdale
3D Vector-Ian Boardman, Andrew Gahan
Graphic Design-Rod Kennedy, Rob Ball, Martin Kenwright
Mission Construction-Martin Kenwright, Tim Johnson, Andy Gahan
Documentation-Gary Penn, Rod Kennedy, Martin Kenwright, Tim Johnson
Additional Work-Tim Johnson, Charles Wallace, Shaun Hollywood
Special thanks go to Victor DeAlmeida and Mark Rogers for their long hours of product testing to ensure the highest product quality standards.
Music & Sound FX- Barry Leitch with help from Dean Evans
Music & Sound Driver- Les Long, Colin Bell
Manual Illustrations:
Eurofighter 2000-Richard Soddy
F-117 Stealth Bomber-Adam Toby
F-22 Superstar-Androw Sandoz
Cover Photography-Erik Simonsen
And Introducing ...The Voice of Gary Bracey as The UN Pilot With No Name
Dylan Borne, Danny Borne Antony Burns
JANE'S ALL THE WORLD'S AIRCRAFT 1992-93 by Mark Lambert (Ed), Jane's Information Group, 1992
DESIGN FOR AIR COMBAT by Ray Whitford, Jane's Publishing Company Ltd, 1987
YF-22 AND YF-23 ADVANCED TACTICAL FIGHTERS by Bill Sweetman, Motorbooks International Publishers & Wholesalers, 1991
ADVANCED FIGHTER TECHNOLOGY by Bill Sweetman, Airlife Publishing Ltd, 1987
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