Running Tornado under iDOS
Frankie Kam reported:
I've done this. Playing Tornado on your iPad, iPad2, iPad Air, well on any iPad ... and iPhone as well.
Basically it cost me USD0.99 to buy the app iDOS 2.
iDOS 2 is a kinda DosBox port that allows you to run ANY DOS game on the iPad or iPhone.
The developer of the app has a website where you can request to be on a Beta email list for the download link to the beta version of the updated app. You have to provide proof of purchase.
The difference between the AppStore version (iDOS 2 version 1.4) and the beta version is that the beta version has iTunes file (and folder) sharing enabled while the AppStrore version's file sharing is disabled. Apple doesn't like its apps to allow DOS to run within its devices (boo!).
Tornado works fine although the mouse control is a bit wonky. The keys are working fine and the speed ... I have to increase the cycles to about 10,000 (default is 3,000) via Control-F12.
Check out the screenshots below.
The advantage is that now I can play Tornado on my long-power-life iPad and enjoy the visuals of Tornado even on the go.
Frankie Kam