MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

WWII Fighters

MiGMan’s Missions

I put together a set of six P-51 Mustang missions which took you though an action packed day in the Ardennes forest.

A Junkers 88 whistles "Ride of the Valkyries"


Ardennes Region
December 1944
All was quiet. Croissant and coffee in hand and the word came down that I was up for a dawn patrol. Blast, there goes the second cuppa! Radio intercepts though the night had indicated some German troop movements, so we were off to patrol the roads though the forest to the East.
Flying low, the idea was to check out the roads, paying particular attention to the bridges which would be key objectives in the unlikely event of a German advance.

With the moon setting behind us off we went, skimming like great silver sharks over the tree tops and feeling at one with the machine... a perfect amalgam of flesh and metal. Well near perfect anyway as I'd forgotten that drinking hot coffee through a straw didn't mix too well with lew level flight.

The canopy was getting steamed up too. I was just looking for somewhere to stow the coffee when lead called "German soldiers on the road ahead!" then "Gerry Fighters - 2 o'clock!"

Can you check the oil too please?
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