MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Caribbean 1 | Missions in the MiGMan’s World Tour DLC

From Valley to Reef
AboutTake a tour of this modestly sized island nation in the eastern Carribean and it's neighbouring reef.
Anguilla   Anguilla location_cityThe Valley flight_takeoffTQPF Wallblake airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops
Barbuda Beaches
AboutVisit Princess Diana Beach, Beach Barbuda and 11 Mile Beach on the sunny island of Barbuda, the northern part of Antigua-Barbuda. Take off from the short (2,265 ft) runway at Codrington.
Antigua and Barbuda   Antigua and Barbuda location_cityCodrington flight_takeoffTAPH Codrington airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight
Beach Bonanza
AboutIt would be difficult to find a more stunning tropical holiday destination than the island of Antigua. Take a tour of it's beaches and bays and decide for yourself!
Antigua and Barbuda   Antigua and Barbuda location_citySaint Johns flight_takeoffTAPA V. C. Bird airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
Babies, Birds and Birdies
AboutCheck out Baby Beach, the Bird Sanctuary and Aruba Golf Course at Aruba. Aruba is an island nation 14nm off the north coast of Venezuela.
Aruba   Aruba location_cityOranjestad flight_takeoffTNCA Queen Beatrix airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight
The Colours of Andros
AboutFollow the coast from Andros Town airport (length: 4,396ft) and enjoy the spectacular colours and textures in the nothern part of the Bahamas. NOTAM: WP 8 - The main lumber road is best seen by looking north, out your left window. Not a turn point. it is about 1/2 way across the island and at the only forest in this flight. Note that the entire route up to WP 7 can be flown by merely following the coast.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityThe Bahamas flight_takeoffMYAF Andros Town airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight
Chub to Coco Cays
AboutThe Berry Islands are located north of Nassau and The Bahamas, and south of Grand Bahama. Check the runway lengths before attempting any landings, as Little Whale Cay and Cistern Cay airports are only 1,977 and 2,271 feet respectively. At WP 7 you will notice edge of the huge sandbar which completes the island circle to the west.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityBerry Islands flight_takeoffMYBC Chub Cay airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
Bimini Islands
AboutExplore the most westerly of the Bahaman Islands, just 50nm from Florida.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityBimini Islands flight_takeoffMYBS South Bimini airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagAiports
Castaway Cay, Disney in the Bahamas
AboutFly from Moore's Island to Castaway Cay. Castaway Cay is under a 99 year lease to Disney as a private tourist destination. NOTAM: Moore's Island AP is only 3036ft in length. Castaway Cay is only 1.3nm wide and the facilities are on the west coast. There is a runway: Castaway Cay MYXB RWY 32/14, 1954 ft, which may or may not be servicable. It should be possible to land a seaplane at the beach/south side of the jetty.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityCastaway Cay flight_takeoffMYAO Mores Island airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight
Feline Groovy at Cat Island
AboutCat Island is 40 miles long and about half a mile wide in most places, yet it boasts three airports. Take off from the northernmost and have a leisurely cruise along the coast, past the other two. Perform touch and go's if you're feline good!
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityCat Island flight_takeoffMYCA Arthurs Town airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight tagAiports
Crooked Island
AboutCrooked Island is the northern-most land mass in the Bight of Acklins. Start from Spring Point AP in the SE and fly a counter-clockwise circuit.
NOTAM: At WP 5 you can proceed directly to Spring Point AP to cut 50 nm from the flight.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityBight of Acklins flight_takeoffMYAP Spring Point airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
Eleuthera North
AboutA greek word meaning freedom and pronounced ah-leu-thra, Ekeuthera is one of the more laid back islands in the Bahamas and promoted as a quiet romantic getaway.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityEleuthera flight_takeoffMYEH North Eleuthera airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagBridges
Exuma East
AboutExplore the many small islands in the south eastern part of Exuma.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityExuma flight_takeoffMYEF Exuma airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagAiports
Bahama Bay, Exuma
AboutExplore the NW area of Exuma, including the beautiful resort and beach at Bahama Bay.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityExuma flight_takeoffMYEF Exuma airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
Grand Bahama West
AboutExplore the western third of Grand Bahama. Take off and fly RWY HDG 24 to the entrance to Freeport harbour, which is visible immediately after takeoff. When you reach WP 4 Crab Cay and turn HDG 290 to WP5 West End, you initially won't be able to see West End as it is 18 nm away. Just keep the coast on your left, or alternatively you can hug the coast... which may be the safer option, because if you miss West End the next landfall is 54nm away at Florida, U.S.A.!
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityGrand Bahama flight_takeoffMYGF Grand Bahama airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight tagAiports
Long Island South: Deadman's Cay to Sandy Cay
AboutThe area between Sandy and Deadman's Cay is a spectacular array of peninsula and islands. Follow the coast in a clockwise direction south from Deadman's Cay, starting on the east coast.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityLong Island flight_takeoffMYLD Deadmans Cay airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight
Long, Conception and Rum Cay Islands
AboutThere are three over-water legs in this flight which takes in the northern part of Long Island and the neighbouring Conception and Rum Cay islands. If you are at 1500 ft or higher you'll just be able to see the next landfall.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityLong Island flight_takeoffMYLS Stella Maris airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
Shaken, not Stirred
AboutExotic tropical paradise and capital of the Bahamas, Nassau has been featured in innumerable films. One of the most notable was the smash hit of 1965 with Sean Connery as James Bond in Thunderball, which had extensive underwater sequences.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityNew Providence flight_takeoffMYNN Lynden Pindling airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
A Slew of Strips
AboutTake a cruise from Norman's Cay (MYEN 4697 ft) down to Exuma International (MYEF 7061 ft), passing a slew of small airstrips beyond the few marked in this flight plan. Norman's Cay was home to an infamous smuggling ring in the 1980's. to the main island of Exuma. This is one of the very few flight plans in MiGMan's World Tour where you do not land at your originating airport.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityExuma flight_takeoffMYEN Norman’s Cay airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagAiports
San Salvador Island
AboutExplore the beautiful beaches of San Salvador Island in the Bahamas.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_citySan Salvador Island flight_takeoffMYSM San Salvador airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
Sandy Point to Schooner Bay
AboutFly out of Sandy Point and around the southern part of Abaco.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityAbaco flight_takeoffMYAS Sandy Point airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1
Scotland's Treasure
AboutTake off from Marsh Harbour and fly a counter-clockwise route around the neighbouring cays. I recommend enjoying one of Scotland's most successful cultural exports with a round of golf at Scotland Cay! The golf club is 5 nm NW of the airport, and reached by boat and car. And if you're up for a second round, land at Treasure Cay Airport just 5nm NW of Treasure Cay Golf Club, which can be reached via taxi, no boats required!
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityAbaco flight_takeoffMYAM Marsh Harbour airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagAiports
Treasure of the Green Turtle
AboutTake off from Treasure Cay Airport and follow the S.C. Bootle Highway all the way to Crown Haven in the north. Return by way of the parallel island chain about 2nm to the east. I heartily advise landing on the way at Spanish Cay for some tapas.
Bahamas   Bahamas location_cityAbaco flight_takeoffMYAT Treasure Cay airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagAiports
Barbados Circumnavigation
AboutCircumnavigate the island continent of Barbados. Keep the green on your left and the blue on your right and you'll be OK! The east coast features long beaches and the west sports numerous cultural features.
Barbados   Barbados location_cityBridgetown flight_takeoffTBPB Grantley Adams airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 tagCoastal flight
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