MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

F-18E Superhornet Checklists

Carrier Landing
10 miles 
At 10 miles from the carrier you should just be able to see it, weather permitting
Altitude600 ft
Speed200 kts
Fence check 
If you leave Countermeasures on Automatic the ship's various radars can trigger the release of flares.
Navigation Master ModeEnd
Activate the Instrument Landing systemActivate the ILS
When the aircraft moves into the ILS the ship begins sending commands through the data link.ILS data on the HUD
F/A-18E Super Hornet
Select AutopilotF/A-18E Super Hornet
Set Autopilot Coupled ModeAutopilot Mode
Auto Pilot ONA
Engage Auto Throttle 
The aircraft will enter a circuit pattern and circle the carrierCtrl-A
As the a/c flies you over the carrier, request permission to land.
You may do a few circuits of the pattern before landing, you can use this opportunity to watch the other aircraft doing circuits and landing. As soon as the aircraft touches the deck, proceed to the touchdown checklist.
F/A-18E Super Hornet
Hint: Letting the ACLS land the plane for you a few times is a great way to get a feel for the rhythm of a carrier landing. Watch the altitude and speed changes as the plane flies to touchdown.
Approach Point
Airspeed250 knots
Altitude1200 ft
Now use the SEA radar and the TACAN indicator on the HUD to align yourself for landing.
The Hook lever is at lower left in the cockpit 
As you get in visual range of the Carrier 
Speed140 kts
Throttle~ 75 %
Angle of Attack..
Rate of Descent700 - 900 fpm
The Fresnel Lens or "Meatball"
The Fresnel Lens Landing System is apparently modelled very accurately, but is only visible during the last 5 seconds of the approach. At this point the Landing Signals Officer is screaming directions at you:
A little left, "Above glideslope", "Below glideslope", "On glideslope", at the rate of about 2 instructions per second! I found there simply wasn't time to look at the Meatball. And following the cues on the HUD seemed to do the trick quite nicely.
F/A-18E Super Hornet
The autopilot flies a perfect approach, every time.
F/A-18E Super Hornet
Myself, on the other hand... 
Bolters and Waveoffs 
Apply a very slight back pressure on the stick. Too much back pressuremay cause the exhaust nozzles to scrape the deck.
- Airspeed increasing
- Altitude increasing
Flaps UPShift F
Gear UPG
F/A-18E Super Hornet
Ejection seats don't work too well under water.
Carrier Touchdown 
Throttle MAX 
In case of a bolter or waveoff
If the aircraft stops and rolls backward:
Retard throttle 
Taxi to parking area 
Shut down LEFT engineCtrl Y
Shut down Right engineCtrl Y
Congratulations.. you have landed!
F/A-18E Super Hornet
These guys are waiting patiently for your return... don't disappoint them!