MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Dev Talk
Interviews and podcasts from the developers of MSFS 2024.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2024 tagDeveloper2024last edited: 25-09-2024
Microsoft has announced partnerships to bring more specialised expertise into the sim. This is a smart move in my opinion. Why reinvent the wheel?
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2024 tagPress tagDeveloper2024last edited: 26-09-2024
Bruce Artwick, subLOGIC and BAO
It was 1982 and Flight Simulator 1 on the Apple ][ was my first exposure to flight sims. It kicked off a passionate hobby which continues to this day with Flight Simulator 2024.
airline_seat_recline_extraFlight Simulator 1airline_seat_recline_extraFlight Simulator II precision_manufacturingSuBLogic personBruce Artwick personMichael Woodley tagProgrammer tagDeveloper2024last edited: 17-11-2024
subLOGIC, Flight Sim Pioneers
precision_manufacturingSuBLogic tagDeveloper tagSoftware Development2024last edited: 17-11-2024
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