MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Rudder Control Systems

Brunner --/o\-- Flight Simulation Controls
precision_manufacturingBrunner tagYoke tagThrottle tagRudder tagBespoke
Cockpit | Rudder
tagCockpit tagRudder
This article by Mark Schimmer is about connecting game port rudder pedals to the Saitek X-45 but it may help with other game-port style rudders and newer sticks.
Germany   Germany personMark Schimmer tagRudder tagHomebuiltlast edited: 10-02-2021
TPR: Thrustmaster Pendular Rudder by Thrustmaster
airline_seat_recline_extraTrackIR precision_manufacturingThrustmaster tagRudder2021last edited: 11-03-2021
VirtualFly Flight Sim controllers
precision_manufacturingVirtualFly tagYoke tagThrottle tagRudder2022last edited: 11-08-2022
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