MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Just Flight

AboutInstallation screen and install instructions from my scans of the manual. | 2024 Uploaded new scans.
airline_seat_recline_extraCombat Jet Trainer (2002) precision_manufacturingCaptain Sim precision_manufacturingJust Flight tagInstall
Published:2002Last edit:Dec 28, 2024
Dam Busters for Microsoft Combat Flight Sim 2
AboutDam Busters opened the bomb bay door to a new experience in Microsoft Combat Flight Sim 2, that of the bomber pilot. You need a different mindset than when flying the fighters. In the bomber accurate station keeping is everything on the final run.
airline_seat_recline_extraDam Busters (2002) precision_manufacturingJust Flight tagWorld War II tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary tagAdd-on
World Airports 2 (2002) trailer
AboutWorld Airports 2 from Just Flight (2002) added scenery to the world's busiest airports in Microsoft Flight Sim.
precision_manufacturingJust Flight
Traffic 2005 for Microsoft Flight Sim 2002/2004
AboutThis series of add-ons created more realistic traffic patterns and density in the Microsoft Flight sims.
airline_seat_recline_extraTraffic 2005airline_seat_recline_extraMicrosoft Flight Sim 2004: A Century of Flight precision_manufacturingJust Flight tagATC tagTrailer
AboutPress release archives 2006-2007
precision_manufacturingJust Flight tagPress
Flight Simulation - what is it all about?
AboutThis demo video produced by Just Flight in 2001 shows both the state of the art at the time, and the range of fun things you can do in a flight sim. Topics shown include: World War I, Battle of Britain, Cold War, Aerobatics, Recreational flying, Falklands War, Commercial air travel, and cockpit videos.
precision_manufacturingJust Flight tagAbout tag15 minutes of fun
International Flight Sim Expos: 2004 Blackpool promo video
United Kingdom   United Kingdom precision_manufacturingJust Flight personMark Silcock tagFlight Sim Expos
Just Flight --/o\-- Flight Sim Publisher
precision_manufacturingJust Flight
Published:2021Last edit:Mar 10, 2021
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