MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Arcade sims

ATF II (Advanced Tactical Fighter II)ATF II (Advanced Tactical Fighter II) 1990
AboutAdvanced Tactical Fighter by Digital Integration was an arcade - style flight game released in 1990 on the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST and PC.
precision_manufacturingDigital Integration airline_seat_recline_extraMilitary airline_seat_recline_extraArcade
SkyfoxSkyfox 1985
AboutArcade shooter with a fictional Jet Fighter shooting alien spaceships and tanks. Notable for it's cockpit viewpoint and that it ran smoothly on an Apple ][. In 1985 this represented a high watermark on a home computer or console. The glory days! Can they ever return?
MiGMan   ACE. A genuine legend in the genre
airline_seat_recline_extraMilitary airline_seat_recline_extraArcade
Vector ThrustVector Thrust 2015
About"Vector Thrust is a fast-paced single and mulltiplayer combat flight game, using a unique cel shaded art style." - Steam
precision_manufacturingTimeSymmetry precision_manufacturingIceberg Interactive airline_seat_recline_extraMilitary airline_seat_recline_extraArcade
Vertical Strike: Endless ChallengeVertical Strike: Endless Challenge 2017
About"A flight-based action game designed to be easy to pick up and enjoy right away, and be playable over short timeframes." - Steam
precision_manufacturingProject ICKX precision_manufacturingPLAYISM airline_seat_recline_extraMilitary airline_seat_recline_extraArcade
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