MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) Articles

Recon flight
1 - Intersection near Diago
2 - Niger River
airline_seat_recline_extraAfrica 3airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) Mali   Mali location_cityBamako2021last edited: 30-04-2021
Recon flight | LOW and FAST
Chase plane footage from my joy-flight!
Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 is running VERY smoothly in this demanding scenario: 400 kts at low low altitude!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 3airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) Saint Kitts and Nevis   Saint Kitts and Nevis location_cityBasseterre flight_takeoffTKPK Bradshaw local_airportAermacchi MB-339 tagRecon2021last edited: 25-06-2021
Recon flight Fast and the Furious, Surfing in Saint Kitts!
A pure joy-flight!
Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 is running VERY smoothly in this demanding scenario: 400 kts at low low altitude!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 3airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) Saint Kitts and Nevis   Saint Kitts and Nevis location_cityBasseterre flight_takeoffTKPK Bradshaw local_airportAermacchi MB-339 tagRecon2021last edited: 25-06-2021
SERBIA | Belgrade | RECON flight
Traversing the beautiful blue Danube!
Mihajla Bridge (Most)
Pancevacki Bridge
Bridge over the Timis River
Ritopek Ferry
airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 4airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) Serbia   Serbia location_cityBelgrade flight_takeoffLYBE Belgrade2021last edited: 11-07-2021
SERBIA | Belgrade | RECON flight
Checking out Belgrade at sunset, as the city lights up for the evening.
airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 4airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) Serbia   Serbia location_cityBelgrade flight_takeoffLYBE Belgrade2021last edited: 11-07-2021
MiGMan and Flying Singer flew in Algeria and Greece, practicing station keeping and formation skills while talking about the state of flight sims.
airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho)airline_seat_recline_extraAfrica 1 local_airportAermacchi MB-339 precision_manufacturingIndia Foxt Echo personMiGMan personBruce "FlyingSinger" Irving tagPodcast tagMultiplayer2022last edited: 12-02-2022
Cruise ~ 250 kts | Fitted with 4-way wide angle recon cams | Stable and reliable, has recorded over 700 videos for MiGMan’s World Tour and taken over 5,000 images. | Ac model by India FoxTecho. Livery by Donka.
airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) local_airportAermacchi MB-339 precision_manufacturingIndia Foxt Echo personDonka tagMiGForce tagLivery2020
Clash of the Titans Part 2
Practicing formation takeoff, landing and cross IFR (I Follow Roads) with two MB-339's in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) USA   USA local_airportAermacchi MB-339 precision_manufacturingIndia Foxt Echo personMiGMan personBruce "FlyingSinger" Irving tagMultiplayer2021last edited: 13-07-2021
Aeromacchi MB-339 Walkaround in Microsoft Flight Sim 2020
I did make a couple of my own walkarounds, but you just can't beat the lighting and camera angles that MSFS gives us in the hangar view. No commentary, just an opportunity to admire this gorgeous aircraft!
airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) local_airportAermacchi MB-339 precision_manufacturingIndia Foxt Echo tagAircraft Model tagWalkaroundlast edited: 15-03-2021
MB-339, my third attempt (and I'm happy now!)
"Make sure you go into Options->General->Realism->Flight Model and select “Modern” for the flight model."
airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) precision_manufacturingIndia Foxt Echolast edited: 14-03-2021
In early 2021, when I was developing the MiGMan’s World Tour series the MB-339 was my trusty steed. Reliable and stable in flight, and with good visibility, it helped me created hundreds of videos and take tens of thousands of photographs.In these images I used OBS to overlay my physical cockpit over the sim view. All the displays were constructed with the fantastic and user-friendly Sim Dashboard software, which I still use in late 2023 to display 5 pages of custom readouts.
airline_seat_recline_extraSIM Dashboardairline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit precision_manufacturingStryder IT tagMiGPit Mk.VI tagDisplay tagCockpit2023last edited: 15-11-2023