MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


AboutIn early 2021, when I was developing the MiGMan’s World Tour series the MB-339 was my trusty steed. Reliable and stable in flight, and with good visibility, it helped me created hundreds of videos and take tens of thousands of photographs.In these images I used OBS to overlay my physical cockpit over the sim view. All the displays were constructed with the fantastic and user-friendly Sim Dashboard software, which I still use in late 2023 to display 5 pages of custom readouts.
airline_seat_recline_extraSIM Dashboardairline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) local_airportMiGPit (my simulator) precision_manufacturingStryder IT tagMiGPit Mk.VI tagDisplay tagCockpit
Published:2023Last edit:Nov 15, 2023
AboutMaybe the most exciting announcent for flight simmers since the first Thrustmaster HOTAS!
precision_manufacturingHoneycomb Aeronautical precision_manufacturingSim Innovations tagCockpit tagDisplay tagInstruments tagFlight Sim Expos
Published:2023Last edit:Jul 8, 2023
3D Perception --/o\-- Simulation Displays
precision_manufacturing3D Perception tagDisplay tagCockpit
Last edit:Feb 21, 2024
Cockpit | Displays
tagCockpit tagDisplay
Garmin --/o\-- Navigation Equipment
precision_manufacturingGarmin tagNavigation tagDisplay tagCockpit
Published:2021Last edit:Mar 11, 2021
RC Simulations: Ultimate Flight Sim Cockpit
AboutWith the combination of a Matrox Triple Head monitor system, IR head tracking, realistic collective and a motion base, this is one of the best compact home cockpit setups I have seen yet.
tagHomebuilt tagDisplay
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