MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Santiago de Cuba
Santiago de Cuba is the second-largest city in Cuba and the capital city of Santiago de Cuba Province.
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 2 Cuba   Cuba location_citySantiago de Cuba flight_takeoffMUCU Antonio Maceo tagCase Study
I flew the Bell 407 over Havana to document the May Day celebrations and took the opportunity to marvel at this work of aerodynamic art that Asobo has recreated for us!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 2 Cuba   Cuba location_cityHavana local_airportBell 407 military_techCuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagObject Model2023last edited: 09-05-2023
I flew the Bell 407 over Havana to document the May Day celebrations and took the opportunity to marvel at this work of aerodynamic art that Asobo has recreated for us!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 2 Cuba   Cuba location_cityHavana local_airportBell 407 military_techCuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagObject Model2023last edited: 09-05-2023
I flew the Bell 407 over Havana to document the May Day celebrations and took the opportunity to marvel at this work of aerodynamic art that Asobo has recreated for us!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 2 Cuba   Cuba location_cityHavana local_airportBell 407 military_techCuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagObject Model2023last edited: 09-05-2023
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