MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Bell 407

Model by Asobo. Sim Innovations have published a full set of instruments for this, which helps make it super-immersive to fly in the MiGPit.
local_airportBell 407 precision_manufacturingBell precision_manufacturingAsobo tagMiGForce tagRotary Wing2022last edited: 27-06-2024
Explore the enormous open cut coal mine, Mount Thorley Warkworth Mine, near Singleton in the Newcastle & Hunter region of N.S.W..
airline_seat_recline_extraAustralia 1airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour Australia   Australia location_cityN.S.W. | Newcastle & Hunter flight_takeoffYCNK Cessnock local_airportBell 407 tagMission tagGallery2022last edited: 15-11-2023
Located in the far NW of N.S.W. at the intersection of Kidman Way and the Barrier Highway, Cobar's main activity is mining. One of the oldest, Peak Gold Mine was opened in 1896, and the CSA Mine is one of Australia's highest grade copper mines.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020airline_seat_recline_extraAustralia 3 Australia   Australia location_cityN.S.W. | Far West local_airportBell 407 precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagGallery2023last edited: 15-11-2023
Explore the vast irrigation bores, reservoirs and ditches around Collarenebri, and fly over Moomin Gin. In 1962 a small group of pioneering cotton growers formed a cooperative at Wee Waa and processed 98 bales of cotton in the first year. Today Namoi Cotton processes up to 84,000 bales per week at it's 11 facilities. In 1794 the first cotton gin patent was granted in the USA to Eli Whitney. Today at Moomin Cotton Gin the process of separating cotton lint from it's seeds with the descendants of Whitney's invention.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020airline_seat_recline_extraAustralia 3 Australia   Australia location_cityN.S.W. | Far West local_airportBell 407 precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagGallery2023last edited: 15-11-2023
I flew the Bell 407 over Havana to document the May Day celebrations and took the opportunity to marvel at this work of aerodynamic art that Asobo has recreated for us!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 2 Cuba   Cuba location_cityHavana local_airportBell 407 military_techCuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagObject Model2023last edited: 09-05-2023
I flew the Bell 407 over Havana to document the May Day celebrations and took the opportunity to marvel at this work of aerodynamic art that Asobo has recreated for us!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 2 Cuba   Cuba location_cityHavana local_airportBell 407 military_techCuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagObject Model2023last edited: 09-05-2023
I flew the Bell 407 over Havana to document the May Day celebrations and took the opportunity to marvel at this work of aerodynamic art that Asobo has recreated for us!
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 2 Cuba   Cuba location_cityHavana local_airportBell 407 military_techCuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingBell tagObject Model2023last edited: 09-05-2023
Nelson's Dockyard at English Harbour is waypoint 3 in the ’Beach Bonanza’ mission from Caribbean 1.
airline_seat_recline_extraCaribbean 1 Antigua and Barbuda   Antigua and Barbuda location_citySaint Johns local_airportBell 407 tagCoastal flights tagGallery2023last edited: 16-03-2021
Bell 407 by Asobo in Microsoft Flight Simulator
I use the Bell 407 for Helicopter flights in MiGMan’s World Tour as it is beautifully modelled and easy to fly.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tourairline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 local_airportBell 407 precision_manufacturingAsobo tagActivity tagSimulated tagRotary Wing
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